03/06/19Chichester Dragon Boat Challenge
The 1st Westbourne Scout Group has been involved with the young people of Westbourne and Southbourne for over 100 years and this year has entered a team in the Chichester Dragon Boat Challenge on 9 June.
This Challenge has been taking place on the Chichester Canal since 2012 and is a charitable event with 50% of the proceeds going to CancerWise and 50% to charities supported by the Chichester Rotary Club.
Dragon boats are long, elaborately decorated canoes with a dragon’s head and tail attached. There are wooden benches for the crew of up to 16 paddlers as well as room at the bow for the drummer and a space at the stern for the steers person, known as a helmsman, to stand.
Lacking a Dragon boat, or indeed any boat, to practice in before the big day the Scouts have been innovative in their arrangements for training. Here they are recently going through their paces!

Seaward Properties are delighted to be supporting the Scout team in their entry for the Chichester Dragon Boat Challenge and the participants will be sporting Seaward t-shirts on the day printed by Game Set & Match. We wish them all the very best on the day.
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